Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The tradition of Gurupurnima

The tradition of Gurupurnima:
Gurupurnima is an ancient Indian celebration.
It goes back to the time when the four Vedas were established as the foundation of the Indian tradition. 
The great sage Veda Vyasa, who compiled the Vedas, was also the one whose inspiration gave rise to this celebration of Gurupurnima — a celebration in honor of the Guru.
The disciples of Veda Vyasa were pondering the immense nature of the gifts that he had bestowed on the world. Not only had he compiled the four Vedas, but he had recorded the Mahabharata and the thirty-six Puranas—masterpieces of the Indian spiritual tradition. In addition to these great bequests to mankind, he was their teacher and had bestowed his grace and his spiritual knowledge upon each one of them.
By following his guidance, the disciples of Veda Vyasa grew to spiritual maturity and felt rich in gratitude to their teacher. Uncertain what form of thanks could possibly be adequate to express their gratitude, they asked Veda Vyasa,
"How can we repay you for the divine wisdom you have imparted to us?"
With great compassion, Veda Vyasa told his disciples that they could choose one day of the year to be especially dedicated to honoring the Guru as a way to express this profound gratitude. On this chosen day, the Guru would be honored with offerings and gifts. Disciples, for all time, would know that their offerings would always, on this day, reach their Guru.
The disciples of Veda Vyasa followed his guidance. They chose the day of the full moon (purnima) in the month of Ashadha, as it was considered the fullest and brightest of all the year's purnimas.
This day became known as "Gurupurnima"—the full moon of the Guru.
This tradition of Gurupurnima has continued throughout the ages, and disciples celebrate the full moon of July with yoga practices, with offerings, and with love—all in gratitude for the Guru's gift of life and knowledge. Disciples bow to the Guru's grace with reverence and love.

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